My Passion for Coaching
My passion is to help you grow into the man or woman God has called you to be. To live above the circumstances that you have been facing or the hand that you may have been dealt in life--- Anything in the past or facing now that seems to be holding you prisoner can change today. If your ready for change; I am just that Coach who is ready and willing to help you move in a positive, healing & goal orientated mindset. Are you ready?
Who Benefits?
Who Benefits? I believe only those who put the hard work into it. You truly must be open and hungry for change. We don't easily overcome things such as addictions , bad attitudes , unhealthy thinking or unhealthy relationships etc. without making a choice to say, "Today is The Day" I choose to live! I choose a healthy body, a healthy mind and a healthy soul. There are so many things that hold us back but I'm here to tell you there is a time for healing , mourning and growing but its up to you.. What will you do?
This Is Me Now!
Prosper, Flourish. Doing Well!
Thriving to me is living healthy . I continue to thrive in all the things I do . I flourish, blossom bloom ! What about you?
I live because I am free!
I use to dread waking up.. Feeling hopeless and sacred. But today I truly can say, that this is in the rear veiw mirror. I have been given tools to show me how to live an abundant life. The tools I have in my bag, will carry me through anything.
I exercise because it makes me feel better.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who dwells in you, whom you have recieved from God. You are not your own. You were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
Happiness is in me!
The twenty- first century is trying to find happiness and I can truly say, I know what happiness is and have experienced it! Happiness is in you!
Stonger , Living by faith!
I am no longer where I once was. I feel stronger.. I've made a lot of progress ! I know who God says I am! I am loved! I keep in mind that change/ growth takes time..
Team Player
I use to do life alone.
No man is a mountain. Man should not live alone. We were made for each other. God created men and women (people) to live , love, grow and help each other , to be in relationship / friendship with one another. My command is this; Love each other as I have loved you. John 15 ;12 1 Peter 4;8 Above all , love each other deeply , because love covers a multitude of sins.